Our Leading Edge in1touch PaaS

Custom Software as a Service
(SaaS) Solutions

Who we are

Olatech Corporation is a developer of the "in1touch PaaS" platform. Using in1touch OlaTech creating intelligent SaaS software solutions that provide successful business results.

Introducing CDAP: Next-Gen Application Development!
Unlock the power of Citizen Development with CDAP —a cutting-edge platform that empowers Project Managers and business leaders to create applications using low-code and no-code technologies. Now, we are Citizen Development Application Platform (CDAP) too, embracing the future of app development.
Are you looking to
  • Fix an inefficient workflow
  • Automate processes
  • Improve customer or employee experiences
  • Reduce redundant tasks or manual process
  • Increase the visibility of data
  • Enhance communication between departments

Olatech , The Company That Distinguishes Your Business


Citizen Developer

Using our unique in1touch PaaS platform you can create different Business SaaS applications for your own unique needs. Contact us to find out more.

Preconfigured SaaS systems

We have preconfigured (out of the box) SaaS solutions for differend needs. Those systems can be configured and go-live within 1-2 weeks. Please check Our Solutions page for more info.


Infrastructure as a Service. Run your soultion on our IaaS worry free.

Mobile World

in1touch Platform is fully mobile adaptive. Use your systems on the go wherever you are.

Call To Action

How can we help your business?

Our SaaS Solutions

  • For Associations - in1touchTD

    Each day, your organization works to add value to the membership. A decision to join - and remain - as a member, usually is entirely voluntary. The member is continually looking for reasons to stay and opportunities to connect. 

    in1touchTD is a pre-configured version of our flexible software platform containing the specific functionality and streamlined usability expected by a trade or professional association. It has exactly the tools you need to provide to members opportunities and reasons for staying. It gives quick, attractive, online access via virtually all types of hardware and operating systems. 

    Using a single integrated platform in1touchTD lets your staff and the members maintain data, interact, complete the financials - with precision - and then get back to the business or profession of primary importance to them.

    To learn more about the features that in1touch provides, please visit https://www.in1touch.com/association

  • in1touchRE is unique in the market: it supports the full range of your requirements, within a single solution. It comes pre-configured to support the functional needs of a typical licensing, certifying, or accrediting body. It can also play a vital role supporting your processes related to standards, discipline, inspections, testing and continuing competency. Plus, unlike many other similar regulatory softwares, with in1touchRE you get a fully integrated website/portal management tool. (CMS)

    Behind your solution is the whole in1touch Platform as a Service (PaaS), but only the portions relevant to your needs and preferences are accessible. This "product on a platform" approach gets you the product you need at a cost you can afford. in1touch RE will not become limiting, or inefficient over time: as your mandate evolves, one or more of the other parts of the powerful in1touch platform can quickly and easily be made available to you. 

    Avoid having to do time-consuming shopping and re-tooling. The always up-to-date, underlying in1touch platform is there if and when you need it. 

    This edition - it functional features and user experience - and our team - a dedicated team of project managers, business analysts, and support technicians - understand regulatory bodies.

    To learn more about the features that in1touch provides, please visit https://www.in1touch.com/regulatory

  • At In1touch, we understand that every organization has unique needs and challenges. That's why our CRM platform is designed with unparalleled customization capabilities.

    To learn more about the in1touch ERP/CRM solutions, please https://www.in1touch.com/customize-your-crm